Our Customers Know Us Best
At Harrington Air Conditioning, Our Customers Are Our #1 Priority!
Barry sold me the right system for my house and cut my electric bill in half. The installers did a terrific job and they have been on the spot right away with any problem or question I had.
- Daniel B. -
Our tech L.J was the BEST and got us up and running with A/C … working perfectly!! Many thanks! God Bless
- Lynda Y. -
Robert and Tony did a great job installing our new a.c. today in the sweltering heat.
- Helen H. -
A/C Tech A. J. Cartwright did a bang up job replacing the fan motor in less than one hour. Thanks A.J!
- Thomas M.
Quality HVAC Care For The Sunshine State
All throughout Pinellas County, you'll see our trucks and know that help is on the way! We love our community and the people who live here, and we're proud to say they love us back.
Regular maintenance ensures your unit can provide the right level comfort with less work.
Scheduled maintenance allows us to catch small issues before they can cause major problems for your system.
When your unit is working well, it doesn't draw as much power - which eases the strain of your power bills.
Take care of your unit, and it will take care of you for a long time. Get your money's worth.
Many warranty providers require proof of regular maintenance to meet their obligations.
A well-maintained unit produces cleaner air to help improve your home's indoor air quality.
Harrington AC is proud to offer multiple financing options, subject to approved credit, that give you the ability to get the work done now and pay over time so you don't have to go without comfort in your home.